Burn Fat while you sleep, it can not be any simpler

 The ever-increasing body weight is a common issue that most people are struggling with today. Weight gain can no longer be attributed to eating habits, genetic structure, or a sedentary lifestyle alone.

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There are many factors that affect our body and are commonly overlooked by most people, without realizing how badly our body is suffering due to it. One such factor that is majorly responsible for excess weight gain is sleep deprivation.

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You may eat healthily, exercise regularly, but if you are not getting a sound sleep, then things are not going to look well, very soon and you would be clueless about the reason behind it. Discovered by two cops, Tara and Todd, who as a couple was struggling with weight issues, on their journey to weight loss, the immense importance of sound sleep to maintain healthy body weight is the answer to all your weight issues.

The couple shares their experiences and shares the secret to weight loss that they achieved with the guidance of their friend, Dan Garner in a weight loss program called Eat Sleep Burn. This weight loss program will help you kickstart your body into burning fat and keeping you full of energy all day long.

What is the Eat Sleep Burn weight loss program all about?

Eat Sleep Burn is a weight loss program, co-created by Dann Garner and Todd Lamb to help those struggling to lose the excess body weight, despite adopting a healthy routine and doing everything by the book.

Sound restorative sleep is very important for our body, for it is then that our body can heal, correct damages, and improve your overall health. When you fail to achieve such sleep, the body starts acting up. There is a decrease in the levels of Leptin production due to which you will receive false hunger alarms, making you unnecessarily eat more food, this food then gets converted and stored as body fat.

You will also experience an increase in the levels of Ghrelin, also known as the hunger hormone, which leads to hunger pangs and keeps signaling the brain to increase the intake of food. This makes it difficult to diet or control your food habits when your body is constantly sending hunger signals.

Then there is Cortisol, low quality of sleep increases the cortisol levels which increases the body fat deposits, hampers your cognitive abilities, weakens the immune system and bone density, and increases blood pressure and cholesterol.

The Eat Sleep Burn aims at inducing a state of deep restorative sleep in your body so that you can naturally fight all the ill effects of disturbed sleep and effectively begin to lose those extra pounds. This program uses a scientific approach to eliminate extra body weight by regulating the production of key hormones. Eat Sleep Burn does not ask of you to make any earth-shattering changes or adopt a specific diet to lose weight. All you need to do is correct your sleep pattern and you can easily shed those extra pounds.

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How does Eat Sleep Burn work?

Eat Sleep Burn work aims for its users to achieve weight loss by correcting their sleep habits. By getting sufficient hours of restorative sleep, hormonal production is optimized to reduce weight gain and induce weight loss.
